Redwood Top Forshage Guitar Revisited
Here’s a quick follow up on the completed redwood top, mahogany back Forshage electric guitar we first saw in Redwood Forshage Electric Guitar. It’s a real beauty.
Note how the black ABM hardware really stands out against the gorgeous redwood top.

Rather than go with the standard front sound holes, owner Mike Friedman opted for sound holes or ports in the top bout. The idea came from Adrian Legg ‘s Custom Guitar which you can see Adrian play in this video as well as this Homespun Tapes instructional video.

I sure hope we get a chance to hear this one. Chris says it sounds great.
Wow, she’s a beauty! Chris did it again.
The bridge looks different — is it a piezo or something?
Gorgeous guitar.
I believe it is actually the stock ABM bridge. Comes with the tailpiece and headpiece as a full headless hardware solution.
That’s my undestanding as well, Roger.
Spectacular. That might just be my favourite Forshage yet.
I agree, Greg. The redwood top is gorgeous and I love the clean look of the sound ports moved to the top bout.
that’s what it turned out like.
Now I get it. Joe Bardens isn’t it?
Very nice Chris!
Well it’s like this. The guitar is everything I wanted; in fact it has exceeded my hopes and continues to surprise me every time I play. The fret work, neck width & fingerboard radius, fit and finish are great. It sounds really good too, many useful sounds.
I’m really very happy. I will post something on you-tube soon.
Regards, Mike F.
Sounds terrific, Michael. It really is a gorgeous guitar. I can’t wait to hear that it sounds as good as it looks!
FYI – At Roger Placer’s suggestion, I’ve started a new forum How Does That Guitar Sound?” where folks can post a pic of their guitar along with a sound or video demo of their instruments. I think its very important for folks to hear what ergo guitars can sound like in order to drive their acceptance.
Clips! Video! (use a decent mic!) OK, now I’m getting too demanding… but CONGRATS on your beautiful guitar. Enjoy it.
Hi all, this may sound ridiculous but at this time I don’t have a computer (I am using a friends for my browsing and posting) so if there is anyone in the Baltimore MD region / area who has one set up for video recording and is not creeped out by having a total (or near total) stranger in their home or office I would love to record something and put it “out there†otherwise this may take a while.
Wow what a guitar – I wonder how comfortable it really is to play but really – 10 out of 10 for looks.
Welcome to BTEG Olly! I suggest you take a look at Joe Giglio Solo – Embraceable You and especially Roger Placer Demos the Forshage Electric Guitar to see just how comfortable the guitar is. Unlike most guitars, it provides a neutral relaxed seated playing position without the need to elevate a foot. This model is also a hollow body and tends to be very light weight – in the 6 lb range.
Hi, it is almost perfectly comfortable. The only thing is where the output jack is I might use an angled plug otherwise it is far and away the most comfortable, playable guitar I’ve played. Probably the best sounding too.
I know it is easy to get caught up in a new piece of gear and be ..well, less then objective. However at this time I will say a solid 9.5 out of 10 for this guitar, sound, feel, looks, quality of build, portability, comfort, and a very satisfying overall exchange with the maker; lucky me, I got it all.
Hi Olly,
Welcome. I own a similar Forshage guitar (featured elsewhere on this site!), and I certainly echo Michael’s sentiment that the guitar is incredibly comfortble to play due to the ergo design. The main benefits are when you play in a seated position — the guitar is “right there” in your hands/body, instead of the usual “reach” you have to use with the left hand/arm — but also due to its weight, like Robert mentioned, you can play a standing gig for hours without fatigue. Usually when I have friends try it out, their first reaction is, “Wow, this is so light!” and then when they sit, their second reaction is, “Wow, it fits into my body!” (Their next reactions all have to do with the sound and playability, which have all been favorable, too!)
Lots of great articles on this site — happy exploring!