February 2008 Most Popular Posts

Time to recap the past month’s five most popular articles.
The Design of An Ergonomic Bass Guitar – Musician Santiago Arteaga shares the results of his thesis research into an ergonomic bass guitar.
Guitar Parts Resources for Headless Guitar Designs – This collection of headless guitar parts sources has grown continuously since it was first written in 2006 and also happens to be the most commented article on the site.
The Orchid Bass Sprouts An Unusual Neck – First seen in Toone Guitars’ Orchid Bass, we get a closer look at this highly successful and unique interpretation of an ergonomic bass guitar.
The Forshage Hollow Body Electric Guitar – Chris Forshage’s modern take on the ergonomic electric guitar continues to be a popular subject.
Make Your Own Headless Guitar Tuners! – Jeff Turpin shares three different approaches he’s taken to making headless bridge systems.
Note: For article popularity based on reader comments, take a look at “Popular” in the new tabbed section in the sidebar.