Crimson Guitars ERB in Pictures – Part 2
We continue with more progress pictures of the 05Ric’s extended range bass (ERB) first looked at in Crimson Guitars’ ERB in Pictures – Part 1.
In this segment, we’ll see the headstock and comfort contours evolve.
After judicious application of both coping saw and file, the headstock begins to take shape:

Later, a maple laminate is added to the headstock and the headstock contoured to a final state:

The bass guitar’s final appearance starts to reveal itself as comfort contours are added.
As the forearm contour takes shape, the maple laminate top gives way to the underlying cedar body:

The belly contour is quite extensive -running almost the entire length of the upper bout:

This angle shot gives a good view of how the contouring brings the ERB closer to its final state:

In the next installment, we’ll see the final steps to the ERB’s completion.
UPDATE 12.17.2007 For more, see Part 1 and Part 3 as well as the initial coverage of the ERB.
Thanks to Crimson Guitars for its generosity in sharing these (and many more) progress pictures.
I have always been fascinated by how instrument builders do their thing. It is very interesting to watch progress pictures and also look at the finite guitar when it is ready.
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