Help Me Blog Through These Hot Summer Months

Running the guitar blog Building the Ergonomic Guitar is hard work. Each week, I spend many hours conducting research, reaching out to guitar makers and replying to all the great reader comments and emails. I thoroughly enjoy it but with the summer finally here, I’m getting thirsty from all the work. If you enjoy the content and want to encourage my blogging, why not buy me a beer?
How do you ask? Easy! Just click on the “Donate” button in the sidebar and buy me a beer. In exchange, you’ll encourage your favorite ergonomic guitar blogger to continue delivering the latest content through the long hot summer ahead…
Sure, go ahead and encourage him to spend this summer blogging and sipping on a cold one… 🙄 OR I can hand him a whole list of chores to do! Wouldn’t that be fun?
Hey! Just trying to give my readers what they deserve! 😀
Great work, I love this blog.
I also run a website for few years that used to eat all my spare time. nobody bought me a beer 🙁 , and the Google ads didn’t pay the hosting . 😡
The only thing that keep it going (and me), as satisfaction. 😀 😆
And guitar building wise, I’m considering buying the
Synapse bridge
Has anyone have experience of using it for playing, or for building ?
Well I’m not sure if this post about the Synapse should be here, but I couldn’t find any forum or anything like that for ongoing Qs.
Thanks for your help.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog! Take a look at PJ Doland’s Klein Electric Guitar replica for an example of a Synapse bridge in a guitar project.
BTW – Do you have a name? 🙂
Thanks for referring to the work of PJ Doland.
PJ Doland, if u read this, I apprecitae if can
comment or give some way to contact you, so I can ask u few questions.
Why don’t you go ahead and throw your questions out there? If PJ doesn’t happen to see them, others may be able to help. Also, you didn’t leave an email address for anyone to reach you. If you want me to update your comments to include it, just send me a note through the Contact link in the navigation menu and I’ll be happy to do so.
Well I’m considering buying the “Guitar Synapse – Fixed Bridge w/ Hardware” from MusicYo website (150$) for my project.
I don’t any store near which sells Steinberger guitars, so I can’t even look at one at the store before ordering.
What I would like to know is:
➡ 1) Has someone bought it from MusicYo ?
➡ 2) Is it in good quality, or feel like cheap stuff (although costs 150$)
➡ 3) Was it easy to install ? + where can I get accurate routing dimensions.
➡ 4) Is it easy to play with ? does the bridge more like “low” bridge like Fender, or “high” like Gibson.
➡ 5) Does it work well with regular single sided strings – I don’t plan to use any “spacial” headpiece, apparently only a locking nut.
➡ 6) How is with string breakage – I use “graph tech string saver” which are really great, on my guitar, and I wonder if this bridge is gentle with strings, because I guess I wont be able put “graph tech” here
Thanks for any help. 😀
Here’s what feedback I can give you at this point:
1. I’ve been considering the Synapse bridge for a future build but have no direct experience with it at this time.
2. Unknown.
3. I have yet to come across routing information for the Synapse but then again, this shouldn’t be terribly difficult if you have some woodworking skills and take care with your measurements. The likelihood is that you won’t find much out there because these instruments occupy a niche within guitar making.
4-6. Unknown.
Also, check out Harmony Central for reviews. Several folks have reviewed the Synapse models so that should provide some additional feedback.
Hope this helps a bit.
Here are the Synapse answers:
1) I bought the bridge from MusicYo. I’m pretty sure they’re the only ones who sell it.
2) It’s much heavier than you would think. It’s a VERY solid piece of hardware.
3) It’s very easy to install. It basically just screws on to the top of the guitar, inside the void you route to stabilize it. You can get the routing size easily enough from just measuring the part. That’s what I did.
4) It doesn’t feel like either, really. I guess it feels kind of close to a tele in height.
5) I only use double-ball strings. I don’t know what you’re doing as far as a headpiece, but you can sometimes find headpieces that support single-ball strings. That might work.
6) I haven’t broken a string yet with it.
Many thanks PJ! That’s a great help.
PJ & Robert,
Thanks a lot for your time & help !