The Koll Electric Guitar RE 7/6
As we’ve seen in previous posts on different approaches to headless guitar designs, conventional tuners can be repurposed for use in a headless guitar design. Here we see Koll Guitars’ solution as seen on their Custom RE.

Here is a closer view of the tuners lined up in a row on the body side:

For an updated look at a multi-scale version of this design, check out Koll Guitars Multi-Scale Archtop.
That’s one weird guitar. Don’t know if it’s in a good way or bad lol Would be interesting to play, I’m sure (I used to play).
I don’t think I’ll make this any longer because I’m in danger of making myself look an ass lol
Thanks for the comment on my blog 🙂
Thanks for stopping in!
One of the challenges with ergonomic guitar design is developing acceptance. We’re all so accustomed to seeing the guitar expressed in particular ways that anything that deviates from the Strat or Les Paul format is looked upon as an oddity. I suppose that’s just human nature. However, its important that people see alternatives to the common vision of the guitar. It invites innovation especially in the area of ergonomics where guitars are often sorely lacking. I’ll have a post on the resistance to ergonomics among guitarists very soon. Thanks again!
The Koll Electric Guitar RE 7/6
i like this guitar please tell me were i can perchase one of these or how i can make my own plaese ilove the looks of this guitar and bet the tone is there please email me thanks you…
Thanks for dropping in. You should ask Koll about this instrument’s availability. The website is in the article above.
The Koll Electric Guitar RE 7/6
could you please tell were i can get this guitar or how i can make one of these i love the looks of it and i bet the tone is there please email me thanks