The Littlest Guitar Builder
In an unprecedented act of nepotism, BTEG has added newborn son Alejandro Logan Irizarry to the staff. Born Friday, May 23, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Alejandro will begin his editorial duties as soon as he sorts out a few things – things like walking, talking and…um… writing.

And, if you’d like to help dad through the next 18 years of sleep deprivation, you’re more than welcome to buy him a coffee or even a pot of coffee.
Hey! Congrats to you and yours Robert!
Thanks so much Rick!
Next Project..
A really short scale guitar!!!! ๐
Drool proof finish of course..
The short scale guitar cross my mind – especially after seeing his very long fingers. I’ll have to look into the drool proof finish options though. ๐
“Cute. Cute. Little baby.
Little feetsies. Little toes.”
Welcome to our world, little guy.
Time to do my part. Robert, here’s a thread idea for you.
We’ve been focused on building instruments that don’t harm the human body, when playing. But what about instruments that harm the human body…via their creation?
Finishes are the place to begin. Notoriously toxic รขโฌโ to luthiers, to ecosystems (and the critters who inhabit them). How can we entice musicians toward more sustainable (safer, healthier) alternatives?
Besides tung oil, what EXCELLENT options are available? Any chemists in the audience?
There’s got to be a better way…
Sustainability is a wonderful area to explore. I just happened to be thinking about it a few days before Alejandro’s birth with respect to boat building – another interest of mine which I’ve explored only in theory at this point.
In particular, I’ve been researching plywood/epoxy boat construction. It’s a wonderful method in terms of results but epoxy is nasty stuff healthwise. I can only imagine its manufacture is equally harmful.
As far as guitar construction and manufacturing, I would agree that finishes are the place to begin – definitely the biggest bang for the buck. Of course, that doesn’t mean we should stop there. Alternative materials, friendlier logging practices and a host of other approaches can make for healthier people through healthier environments.
Let’s see what we can come up with… ๐
Ah, Joy! Mine are all grown. Last one graduates h.s. on Sat. Now looking forward to the kind I can hand back ๐
I’m a bit late to the party in terms of kids but I’m looking forward to all the wonderful stuff (as well as the challenges) that come with fatherhood. Did I mention I was tired? ๐
Fantastic! Beautiful! Congrats!
Thank you Chris!
I am a proud (and exhausted) father of 3 girls… so you are in for a ride bro. But it’s mostly a fun ride! Hearty congrats on the birth of Alejandrito!
Thanks so much, Roger! I’m looking forward to it!
Congrats to the kid! Didn’t I detect some wood residue from sanding on his nose already? You know, if one begins early, it’s better…
Not just yet but as soon as I can get him started, I will! ๐
Right on, Robert! Currently, the baby is ergonomic… easily transportable and will cause no physical discomfort to carry.
That will change.
Huge congrats!
LOL! Thanks Greg. He’s pretty light right now but I suspect my wife may disagree he’s ergonomic – based on the last 9 months. ๐
I’m such a man…
Duh! we are all so slow with the obvious comment.
Stunning craftsmanship dude ๐
He had some assistance on this build. ๐
And a first rate job was done by all. I really do think that he’s especially good looking.
congratulations to you and your wife. he is a beautiful boy!
Thanks so much, Santiago!
Awesome, awesome! Congrats to you both — I hope Mom and baby are healthy and doing OK.
Not that you asked for it, but all parents have to give new parents advice . . .. so…
You may be coming to this already, but with a newborn, you have to pay attention to what I call the “Three S’s” of being a new parent. Each day (week?) you must decide: Sleep, Shower, or Sex? Choose wisely, my son.
Also, you’re not truly a father until you’ve been pee’d and poop’d on, so please let us know when you’ve passed the initiation ritual.
Congrats again; your lives are forever changed.
Dr. Marc
Thanks Marc! Everyone is doing very well although mom and dad are somewhat sleep deprived.
Oh and no poop or pee on me yet but then again I’m the oldest of a large family and started changing diapers with the 3rd so I have an unfair advantage. ๐
Congratulations, both of you!
…let’s all discuss how to design the ultimate toddler guitar in a year or so.
Thanks Alex and a toddler guitar sounds like a plan!
Congratulation for the new baby,
making a new custom guitar is nothing short of having a new baby,
you cannot simply sell them specially when they start to bring out those lovely tune and voice,,, wow what a site, and treasure.
am so happy for you Robert,
Thanks so much Manny – both for the well wishes and your compliment on the site.
Congrats Robert!!!
To see what he will be playing, Google “reAcoustic eGuitar”.
First of all, let me join in the cheering!
Secondly, killer link Stratoblogster – what an awesome project.
Lastly, I want to comment on Rick’s post above and suggest 50% boiled linseed oil and 50% painter’s turpentine. Work it in, let it dry, work it in, let it dry and work it in, (continue in absurdum) until it will not absorb any more. Then sand in 5-10 times more with gradually finer wet sanding paper until it will not absorb any more with 1000 grit paper. This process will take several weeks but it’s worth it – I guarantee it. It is the absolutely most durable finish I have ever used and it only gets better with age.
Robert, I don’t know how I missed this thread! Congratulations to you and Sakinah. I wish you all the best.
Thanks so much Al! The little guy is doing great although mom and dad are learning a whole new definition of “tired”. ๐
Happy Dad’s Day, Robert! Enjoy.
Official Dad’s Club Member, 7 years
Thanks so much Marc! Hope you’ve had a good one!